Photograph Tennis Club – Rodwell, Weymouth, Dorset c1880/90
- Photograph Rodwell Tennis Club
- c1880/90’s
- £30
Very Early Tennis Club Group – Rodwell, Dorset
Rodwell is situated within the Weymouth area, Dorset. By the style of dress and early rackets this must be one of the earliest tennis club photographs. The Club has long since vanished without a trace. Rackets on show range from the 1870’s to late 1880’s. The members are dressed in the finest fashion of the day. Some white clothing is in evidence though in the main darker colours are the order of the day and formality prevails. The image has a tiny amount missing from the lower right corner, this occurred when mounting took place onto the thin paper. Along the bottom of the paper written in free hand – “Members of Tennis Club, Rodwell Nr Weymouth”
The photograph measures 23.5 x 19cms and is in good condition. I have already noted the minor loss to the lower right corner. The top edge is slightly rolled.
Price £30